Write for us

If you have a writer in you, we can help you publish your content on The Popping Post. We are looking for enthusiastic writers and readers who are willing to submit their contents to us. We are currently looking for blogs, articles, and informative pieces related to tech, business, travel, pets, and health. Our editorial team will review the submissions and notify selected writers. All you need is your love for writing and an understanding of the nature of the contents of our blog. Please take your time and check all the details below before submitting your contributions.

Blogs, content, newsy posts, and articles for The Popping Post must be at least 400+ words in length. We don’t mind long contents, as long as you have a fresh take on the subject. The word count refers to the body of the content, not including the title.

All contents for The Popping Post must be related to relevant niches and segments. We cover anything and everything related to tech, business, travel, pets, and health, and as long as you can adhere to the basics, we will accept your content.

We accept guest posts, but please note that we are only offering one backlink for each content. Also, we will only provide backlinks for acceptable categories and niches. If your website is similar to The Popping Post or is in the same niche, we will be more than happy to publish it.

The Popping Post reserves the right to accept or reject a content. We receive a considerable number of posts every week. While we do our best to sort the best contributions, it can take time to get approval, often as long as 14 days to approve/publish content.

Once submitted, your content remains the sole property of The Popping Post. We do not allow reusing or republishing content on other websites. Also, all contents must be free of grammatical errors and should be checked for plagiarism. We will be using premium software to screen your submissions.

The Popping Post is open to increasing the number of posts every week. However, we highly recommend that you only submit one post every week. We are thrilled to have guest contributors for our web portal, and at the same time, we are also keen on maintaining publishing standards. Take your time and write for us – We recognize the work you do! Please contact us on info@thepoppingpost.com for more details.

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