Tips for maintaining health when playing online games

Playing the game is really fun, especially if you play it with the people closest to you, which sometimes makes you forget the time. Well, sometimes I forget that time is what makes playing online games in so like being underestimated by people, aka like getting less attention. Playing online games unconsciously, until you forget that time is what makes playing games unhealthy, even though playing games actually has a lot of benefits.
Make sure you get enough sleep.
With the habit of playing online games, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your time 24/7 in front of the monitor / cellphone layer. Start reducing habits like that, gamersQoo. With a lack of sleep, your body will feel more tired and easily tired. In addition, lack of sleep will also affect your mood and mood. When our bodies lack sleep, the levels of cortisol/stress hormone in our bodies will increase.
Conversely, a good night’s sleep will naturally reduce cortisol levels in the body which will certainly make your mood better. And of course this will affect your mood in playing the game.
Getting enough sleep also makes you more focused on whatever activity you are doing. It is also a good reason to stay rested in the middle of playing the game.
Don’t forget to keep eating healthy
Do you know how important it is to eat healthy for our body? Reduce junk food or fast food snacks when you are playing online games. Eat healthy food, because healthy eating also helps you to strengthen your concentration and sharpen your memory! You also have to meet your body’s needs starting from protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Maintaining a diet is not difficult, gamersQoo, you just eat three times a day, and eat less fast food.
Try to play more games that sharpen the brain.
There are so many games that can improve your brain’s thinking skills such as puzzle games, quizzes, memory games, strategy games, and others. Don’t think that games like that aren’t as fun to play as the moba games that are on the rise now. Games that sharpen the brain can be an option for interlude games. Of course, by playing games that sharpen the brain function, our brains and minds will become calmer and more focused.
Keep drinking enough mineral water!
In general, humans should drink an average of two to three liters of water per day. Do you know what will happen to your body if you don’t have enough water? Yup, that’s right! You will lose your focus and reduce your gaming performance. The lack of sufficient water in the human body risks reducing focus, concentration, and brain memory, which are three aspects that are also very important in playing games. Because, almost 80% of the human brain is composed of water, so if the human need for water is not fulfilled it will also affect the work of the brain.