Choosing the oil for your car

Choosing which car oil to buy is a vital decision for the life of your car. Surely you already know, but oil is probably one of the most important products for the proper functioning of your car. Other functions include lubricating parts, cooling and cleaning the engine. So don’t play it and think a bit before choosing which one to use.
Go to your trustworthy workshop and have them take care of choosing the oil for your car.
Maybe you are a handyman and you enjoy doing everything yourself, in that case it is best to go directly to the next section and check which oil to choose when you go to your car parts and spare parts store. Otherwise, if you prefer that others do all the work, we recommend that you go to your trusted workshop and that the professionals make all the decisions .
At Algesur we work with an important network of workshops in Campo de Gibraltar and its surroundings to which we distribute the best components and products that will go directly to your vehicle. We like to think that a little piece of us will accompany you on your travels.
Buy the oil in your auto parts and spare parts store.
You may be a decisive person, one of those who prefers to do things by herself and stay in control. In that case you can choose yourself which oil to buy. Algesur professionals will be able to advise you thanks to their extensive experience that supports them. Even so, we leave you some tips so that you can anticipate yourself and start making the decision:
DO NOT MIX IT WITH OTHER OILS OF DIFFERENT QUALITY OR MAKE A BRUSH CHANGE. You would run the risk that the lower quality oil diminishes the performance of the new oil.
CHECK THE CAR MANUAL. There you can see what type of oil is best for your vehicle.
BE CAREFUL WITH REGULATIONS . The oil must comply with the manufacturer’s regulations and be of equal or higher quality to avoid damage to the engine.
THE OIL MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE SEASON OF THE YEAR AND WHERE YOU LIVE. Both low and very high temperatures influence the correct operation of the oil, so it is best to look for an oil according to the place where you live and its climate. And if you use your car a lot and change the oil twice a year, choose a version adapted to summer or winter temperatures.
AVOID POOR QUALITY OILS. There are many ways to save, but doing so by buying a poor quality brand of car oil is probably not the best idea. An oil with poorer performance or with a higher percentage of additives can cause problems in the long run that will cause significant costs. For this reason, we recommend that you look for your oil in specialized stores such as Algesur , where only top quality products are offered . Do you need Diesel parts for your Truck? Click here at
Management of used oils in workshops
Vehicle repair workshops are a pillar for the correct management of used oils, since approximately half of all that is collected in Spain comes from them.
Average of 1,500 kilos / year
Galician vehicle repair workshops collect an average of 1,500 kilos of used oil from their customers per year. By virtue of Royal Decree 679/2006 of June 2, which regulates the management of this waste, manufacturers or importers are obliged to deal with the management of this polluting material. Companies such as Repsol, Cepsa and Galp, among others, established Sigaus (Integrated System for the Management of Used Oils) years ago to comply with this obligation. Sertego regularly reports its collection data to this entity, which has just published its 2015 report. It shows that the collaboration of vehicle repair workshops makes it possible to recover half of the oil collected in Spain.
The management of used oils must always be free for workshops, which are mere intermediaries in the system. On the Atreve intranet you can consult the agreement established with Sertego and the special rates that apply for the collection of other waste produced in the workshop such as tires, filters, containers, rags, paint residues, solvents, etc. For each of them, Sertego provides a suitable and environmentally friendly solution.